A "Mounting" Problem (Motor Mounts)
August 27, 2023
You know how heavy your engine and transmission are, so you can imagine how tough the parts that hold them onto your vehicle's sub-frame must be. Not only must they support the weight, they also have to isolate vibrations and noise from the passenger cabin. Pretty tall order, wouldn't you say? ... More

By the Numbers: Tire Replacement at Tuffy Chicago (Diversey Pkwy) in Chicago
August 20, 2023
Ever notice that your tire is covered with writing? It's like some hieroglyphic art form. Of course, Chicago drivers know that it's not just graffiti, but to most of us, it might as well be. Would you like to know what all those codes on your tire mean? It won't lead you to buried treasure, but i... More

Beware of Potholes! (Avoiding Pothole Damage)
August 13, 2023
You may live in a region where roads become pockmarked with craters known better as potholes. They're caused by moisture seeping through a compromised road surface that can freeze, expand and literally punch holes in the road. And when your vehicle hits one of those holes that's big enough, the... More

Drivers that "T" Us Off (Bad Driving Practices)
August 6, 2023
We've all seen drivers who do things thatlet's be frankreally irritate us. They're inconsiderate, can put people in danger and make the road a much less friendly place. They really "T" us off. These are the bad drivers who fit their description to a "T." The Tailgater. You've seen this terr... More