Right or Left? Tuffy Chicago (Diversey Pkwy) Power Steering Service
March 27, 2016
Have you ever driven a vehicle without power steering? If you have, then you probably appreciate how much easier it is to drive today's modern vehicles. Before power steering, all of the force to turn a vehicle had to come from the driver's arms. That's why old cars had such large steering wheels... More

The Tuffy Chicago (Diversey Pkwy) Guide to Custom Wheels
March 21, 2016
If you're interested in customizing the wheels and tires on your vehicle, there are a few things you should know first.Most importantly, the wheels you buy need to fit your vehicle. Not all wheels are created equal. Too many Chicago drivers have bought a set of wheels that caught their eye, then... More

Cool Running in Chicago
March 13, 2016
Unless you live in Death Valley, you really don't hear much any more about cars overheating. That's because cooling systems in vehicles have been much improved. That doesn't mean you can't overheat your vehicle engine, though. Without proper preventive maintenance, you could still find yourself ... More

Easy Miles ? Do Chicago Driving Conditions Affect Service Intervals?
March 8, 2016
Have you ever noticed that your vehicle has a schedule in your owner's manual for what is called severe service maintenance? Let's define what severe driving conditions aren't: The easiest driving a vehicle experiences is traveling on the interstate for 20 miles (32 kilometers) or more at a cons... More